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NCPD Leadership Team

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Honorary Chairman

Commissioner Ryder

Patrick J. Ryder

Commissioner of Police

Nassau County Police Department

Executive Committee

Mario Doyle

Mario J. Doyle, CPP


Steve Norman

Stephen E. Norman


Joseph Sacco

Joseph P. Sacco


Rob Larocca

Robert F. Larocca

Douglas Mills

Douglas G. Mills

Board of Directors

  • Eric Blumencranz
  • Marc Blumencranz
  • Keith J. Byrne
  • Robert Clement
  • Christopher M. Coscia
  • Frank DeLucia
  • Al Eskanazy
  • Jeiver Espinosa
  • Peter Guggenheim
  • Kevin Guinan
  • Steven Jaguden
  • David Lee
  • Andrew Lowitt
  • Robert McBride
  • George Poll
  • Gillis Poll
  • Leslie Quintanilla
  • Bradley Schnur
  • Dennis Schnur
  • Gary S. Shapiro
  • Sheryl Tell
  • Richard Volpe
  • Brian A. Wasserman
  • Stephen Wolinetz

Advisory Board

  • Mel Kenny
  • Lawrence Mulvey
  • Barry Pulchin
  • RoseAnn Simeone
  • Mohinder Taneja

NCPD Office Staff

John Holmes

Detective Lieutenant
Community Affairs

James Pettenato

Detective Lieutenant
Community Affairs

Daniel Johannessen

Community Affairs

Angela Watson

Police Officer
Explorer Coordinator

Christa Dusharme

Police Officer
Explorer Advisor

Robert Salerno

Police Officer
Explorer Advisor

Shavaun Lubniewski

Police Service Aide
Community Affairs

Linda Esquierdo

Explorer Administrator
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